
Brand Experience – Showroom: Rhythm of Sports

Let the games begin

EURO, Olympics & Paralympics and CopaAmerica – 2024 is the year of global sporting events. And the year of the sports brands. LIGANOVA created the special adidas headquarter sell-in showroom, which presents the matching brand’s summer collection with a creative storyline: Rhythm of Sports.

The concept can be explained as follows. The unique sound signature that connects all sporting events has the power to create a physical playing field of pure emotion: dribbles, kicks, splashes, claps, chants, screams, drumbeats and more. This becomes the rhythm of sport.

Our brand retail experience brains, together with the LIGANOVA Horizon digital experts, transformed the exhibition space into a vibrant canvas, allowing the concept to unfold a compelling narrative through visuals, a spatial sound system, LED lights and animations, all the way to the architectural design.

The immersive 360° audio-visual journey consists of four distinct zones, each representing a 2024 sporting event and its corresponding adidas collection, displayed on a shelving system in the shape of a sound wave. At the heart of the experience: a semi-transparent center screen that brings the sports to life, sending out waves of sound and light that rippled through the product zones and materialized in perfect sync on four display screens.

LIGANOVA was responsible for strategy, conception & design, architecture, content creation & visual merchandising as well as prototyping, production and installation.

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